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Publications iconKansas Register

Volume 40 - Issue 25 - June 24, 2021

State of Kansas

Insurance Department

Notice of Creation of Pharmacy Network

Pursuant to K.S.A. 40-2,153(a), the Commissioner of Insurance is publishing notice of the creation of a pharmacy network in the State of Kansas.

Cigna has provided notice of its intent to introduce a new pharmacy network, administered by Express Scripts, Inc., that will be used in conjunction with the Cigna+Oscar Small Group product offering, called “National Plus v3,” which provides customers with access to prescriptions through contracted retail pharmacies. The Cigna+Oscar product will be available to employers located in the counties of Johnson, Leavenworth, Wyandotte, and Miami. The pharmacy network will be available to use by Cigna+Oscar customers throughout Kansas.

Questions can be directed to

Vicki Schmidt
Insurance Commissioner

Doc. No. 049245